clear(); } /** * Adds a multi-dimensional array to the buffer. * * @param array $data Multi-dimensional array * @param boolean $addFieldNames Add a row of field names before adding data * @access public */ function addGrid($data, $addFieldNames = true, $fieldList = null) { if (!$data) { return false; } if (@is_array(reset($row = reset($data)))) { // Array generated by cakePHP model // eg. // $data = array(array('Model' => array('field_name' => 'field value')), array('Model' => array('field_name' => 'field value'))) $defaultModel = key($row); if ($this->filename === null) { $this->setFilename(Inflector::pluralize($defaultModel)); } if ($fieldList) { $fields = array(); foreach ($fieldList as $fieldName) { if (strpos($fieldName, '.')) { list($modelName, $fieldName) = explode('.', $fieldName); } else { $modelName = $defaultModel; } $fields[] = array(Inflector::humanize($modelName), $fieldName); } if ($addFieldNames){ foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field[0] != $defaultModel) { $this->addField($field[0].' '.Inflector::humanize($field[1])); } else { $this->addField(Inflector::humanize($field[1])); } } $this->endRow(); } foreach ($data as $row) { foreach ($fields as $field) { @$this->addField($row[$field[0]][$field[1]]); } $this->endRow(); } } else { if ($addFieldNames){ foreach (reset($row) as $key => $value) { $this->addField(Inflector::humanize($key)); } $this->endRow(); } foreach ($data as $row) { $this->addRow($row[$defaultModel]); } } } else { // Regular 2-dimensional array (with or without keys). // eg. // $data = array(array('field_name' => 'field_value'), array('field_name' => 'field_value')) // or // $data = array(array('field value'), array('field value')) if ($fieldList) { if ($addFieldNames){ foreach ($fieldList as $fieldName) { $this->addField(Inflector::humanize($fieldName)); } $this->endRow(); } foreach ($data as $row) { foreach ($fieldList as $fieldName) { @$this->addField($row[$fieldName]); } $this->endRow(); } } else { if ($addFieldNames) { foreach (reset($data) as $key => $value) { $this->addField(Inflector::humanize($key)); } $this->endRow(); } foreach ($data as $row) { $this->addRow($row); } } } } /** * Adds a single field value to the buffer. You must call $csv->endRow() to commit fields to the buffer. * * @param string $value Field value * @access public */ function addField($value) { $this->line[] = $value; } /** * Commits the row of fields that were added by addField() * * @access public */ function endRow() { $this->addRow($this->line); $this->line = array(); } /** * Adds a single row to the buffer. * * @param array $row Data to be added * @access public */ function addRow($row) { if ($this->preserveLeadingZerosInExcel) { // convert the number to a string formula foreach ($row as $key => $value){ if (strlen($value) > 1 && $value[0] == '0' && is_numeric($value)) { $row[$key] = '="'.$value.'"'; } } } fputcsv($this->buffer, $row, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure); } /** * Outputs headers * * @param string $filename Filename to save as * @access public */ function renderHeaders($filename = null) { if (is_string($filename)) { $this->setFilename($filename); } if ($this->filename === null) { $this->filename = 'Data.csv'; } if ($this->filename) { header("Content-disposition:attachment;filename=".$this->filename); } header("Content-type:application/"); } /** * Sets the output filename. Automatically appends .csv if necessary. * * @param string $filename Filename to save as * @access public */ function setFilename($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; if (strtolower(substr($this->filename, -4)) != '.csv') { $this->filename .= '.csv'; } } /** * Returns CSV string and clears internal buffer. Outputs headers() if necessary. * * @param mixed $outputHeaders Boolean to determine if should output headers, or a string to set the filename * @param string $to_encoding Encoding to use * @param string $from_encoding * @return string String CSV formatted string * @access public */ function render($outputHeaders = true, $to_encoding = null, $from_encoding = "auto") { if ($outputHeaders) { if (is_string($outputHeaders)) { $this->setFilename($outputHeaders); } $this->renderHeaders(); } if ($this->_tmpFile) { rewind($this->buffer); $output = ''; while (!feof($this->buffer)) { $output .= fread($this->buffer, 8192); } fclose($this->buffer); } else { rewind($this->buffer); $output = stream_get_contents($this->buffer); } // get around excel bug ( if (substr($output,0,2) == 'ID') { $pos = strpos($output, $this->delimiter); if ($pos === false) { $pos = strpos($output, "\n"); } if ($pos !== false) { $output = $this->enclosure . substr($output, 0, $pos) . $this->enclosure . substr($output, $pos); } } if ($to_encoding) { $output = mb_convert_encoding($output, $to_encoding, $from_encoding); } $this->clear(); return $this->output($output); } /** * Clears internal buffer. This is called automatically by CsvHelper::render() * * @access public */ function clear() { $this->line = array(); $this->buffer = @fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'.(5*1024*1024), 'r+'); if ($this->buffer === false) { $this->_tmpFile = true; $this->buffer = tmpfile(); } } } /** * A PHP4 implementation of the equivalent PHP5 function * * See ( for details */ if (!function_exists('fputcsv')) { function fputcsv(&$handle, $fields = array(), $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"') { $str = ''; $escape_char = '\\'; foreach ($fields as $value) { settype($value, 'string'); if (strpos($value, $delimiter) !== false || strpos($value, $enclosure) !== false || strpos($value, "\n") !== false || strpos($value, "\r") !== false || strpos($value, "\t") !== false || strpos($value, ' ') !== false) { $str2 = $enclosure; $escaped = 0; $len = strlen($value); for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) { if ($value[$i] == $escape_char) { $escaped = 1; } else if (!$escaped && $value[$i] == $enclosure) { $str2 .= $enclosure; } else { $escaped = 0; } $str2 .= $value[$i]; } $str2 .= $enclosure; $str .= $str2.$delimiter; } else { $str .= $value.$delimiter; } } $str = substr($str,0,-1); $str .= "\n"; return fwrite($handle, $str); } } ?>